Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy] Red Velvet Cookies

It's the love month again and you can already smell chocolates, roses and wine in the air. The malls are filled with decorative hearts, cupids and red ribbons. Chocolates and scented candles are on sale. Flowers are 15% more expensive. Stuff toys, teddy bears and cute little giveaways are best sellers to the teens this month.

Sigh, I've been dreaming of a short mini-vacation with hubby and the kids- away from the hustle and bustle of the city... but our budget and schedules are not so friendly. :-(

Euan is celebrating his 5th birthday on the 17th. He's going to have a party at school (17th Feb) and again at home on the 20th. Oh, we're going on an out-of-town field trip on Sunday,  the 14th of Feb - yes, on Valentines day! So I guess, that's how I'm going to celebrate my "love month" this year.

To lift my mood of the coming busy days, I dived into my favorite hobby: food. What's better than to bake and eat, right? Since it's Valentines, here's a red velvet cookie recipe to celebrate L-0-V-E.

Red Velvet Cookies

Friday, February 5, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy Recipe] White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Craving for something sweet? Do you have 20minutes? Let's bake!

White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies 

White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies (and some Raisin Cookies on top)