Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Few Weird Superstitions that Most Filipinos Believe

Filipinos are one of the most superstitious people in the planet. Perhaps it is because of our diverse culture. Despite living in the 21st century, most of us still adhere to superstitious beliefs.

Here are a list of some common Filipino superstitions:

  • Never take a bath/shower or wash your hands after ironing clothes, else you will get the dreaded disease called, "pasma".  My dear friends, there's no such thing as "pasma". There's not even an equivalent medical term for it.
  • There's milk spots on your nails? It means money is on it's way! Unfortunately, those white spots on your nails aren't a sign of money knocking on your doorstep. It's called Leukonychia.
  • Spoon or fork fell from your dining table? Expect an uninvited guest. I tried dropping utensils when I was feeling lonely, no one came to visit.
  • Fishbone stuck in your throat? Find a "suhi" (breech baby) to massage your neck and voila, no more "tinik" in your "lalamunan"! No "suhi" in the house? No problem. A cat can do the trick.
  • Those with dark gums are greedy and selfish people.
  • Never dust the house at night as it is bad luck. 
  • Don't sleep when your hair is still wet or you'll go blind. 
  • Avoid sleeping with your feet towards the door. You don't want a ghost to steal your soul.
  • If you sleep hungry, your spirit will wake up at night to look for food and chances are, your soul will be trapped in a pot somewhere in the kitchen.
  • Don't break that glass. It's 7 years bad luck. But I honestly believe the "joke" that a broken condom can be much worse.
There are a hundred more beliefs and the one I provided above are just the common ones.

Do you believe any of these superstitions? Do you have one that you'd like to share? I'd like to hear them. 😝

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy] Coffee Flavoured Cookies

It only takes around 20 minutes to bake- 10 minutes to prepare and mix the ingredients and another 10 to bake the cookies. So if you want a quick snack, here's an easy cookie recipe that can go with your afternoon tea or coffee. Shout out to coffee addicts!

Coffee Flavoured Cookies

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy] Red Velvet Cookies

It's the love month again and you can already smell chocolates, roses and wine in the air. The malls are filled with decorative hearts, cupids and red ribbons. Chocolates and scented candles are on sale. Flowers are 15% more expensive. Stuff toys, teddy bears and cute little giveaways are best sellers to the teens this month.

Sigh, I've been dreaming of a short mini-vacation with hubby and the kids- away from the hustle and bustle of the city... but our budget and schedules are not so friendly. :-(

Euan is celebrating his 5th birthday on the 17th. He's going to have a party at school (17th Feb) and again at home on the 20th. Oh, we're going on an out-of-town field trip on Sunday,  the 14th of Feb - yes, on Valentines day! So I guess, that's how I'm going to celebrate my "love month" this year.

To lift my mood of the coming busy days, I dived into my favorite hobby: food. What's better than to bake and eat, right? Since it's Valentines, here's a red velvet cookie recipe to celebrate L-0-V-E.

Red Velvet Cookies

Friday, February 5, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy Recipe] White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Craving for something sweet? Do you have 20minutes? Let's bake!

White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies 

White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies (and some Raisin Cookies on top)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy Recipe] White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies with Fruits and Nuts

To justify my cravings, I always find a reason to celebrate something. Since I've been gaining considerable amount of weight due to my non-stop cookie-eating, here's an easy cookie recipe to celebrate another 3lbs on the weighing scale. Happy end of January! :-D

Cravings solved!

White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies with Fruits and Nuts 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Euri and Euan's Studio Photos

Finally, I had the kids photos taken last week! Eugene was, as usual, against the idea of bringing the kids to a professional photo studio as it is expensive and in his own words, "not a necessity".  I agree that it's really not necessary but with the kids' birthday coming in a few weeks, I just couldn't resist having their pictures taken. In fact, I need a new set of photos to use for their birthday invitations.

Euan's birthday is on the 17th of February. My little prince is turning 5! My darling little angel is turning 1 on the 23rd of April. Their birthdays are only more than a month apart so I'm so excited doing the birthday planning and all. :-)

There are a lot of photo studios in Manila but I've been eyeing CamKids since I gave birth to Euri. Haha. Anyway, here are some of the photos from the photo shoot taken by CamKids Studio, Robinson's Magnolia.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Cookie Monster Mode: [Easy] Colourful Raisin Cookies

Colourful Raisin Cookies (I added Cinnamon to other batch)
Been craving for cookies this past week. I've been baking cookies on a daily basis! Yes, I know it's bad for someone who's on the brink of diabetes, but when you're suffering from uncontrollable craving for sugar, there's no way to go but to give in.

I've taken into consideration that too much sweets will shorten my life span, so the cookies I baked a had less sugar than the ordinary cookies I bake. I even played with the recipes and turned them into my own cookie-experiments. I don't usually write down the recipe of my cooking/baking experiments, but since baking is more science (meaning it follows precise measurements unlike cooking), I know I needed to write it down or memorize it in order to make it perfect for next time.

Here's my latest "just got lucky" aka "tsamba" cookie recipe: