Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Few Weird Superstitions that Most Filipinos Believe

Filipinos are one of the most superstitious people in the planet. Perhaps it is because of our diverse culture. Despite living in the 21st century, most of us still adhere to superstitious beliefs.

Here are a list of some common Filipino superstitions:

  • Never take a bath/shower or wash your hands after ironing clothes, else you will get the dreaded disease called, "pasma".  My dear friends, there's no such thing as "pasma". There's not even an equivalent medical term for it.
  • There's milk spots on your nails? It means money is on it's way! Unfortunately, those white spots on your nails aren't a sign of money knocking on your doorstep. It's called Leukonychia.
  • Spoon or fork fell from your dining table? Expect an uninvited guest. I tried dropping utensils when I was feeling lonely, no one came to visit.
  • Fishbone stuck in your throat? Find a "suhi" (breech baby) to massage your neck and voila, no more "tinik" in your "lalamunan"! No "suhi" in the house? No problem. A cat can do the trick.
  • Those with dark gums are greedy and selfish people.
  • Never dust the house at night as it is bad luck. 
  • Don't sleep when your hair is still wet or you'll go blind. 
  • Avoid sleeping with your feet towards the door. You don't want a ghost to steal your soul.
  • If you sleep hungry, your spirit will wake up at night to look for food and chances are, your soul will be trapped in a pot somewhere in the kitchen.
  • Don't break that glass. It's 7 years bad luck. But I honestly believe the "joke" that a broken condom can be much worse.
There are a hundred more beliefs and the one I provided above are just the common ones.

Do you believe any of these superstitions? Do you have one that you'd like to share? I'd like to hear them. 😝