Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Working from Home [by a Work from Home Mom]

I have been telecommuting since 2009 and a lot of people tell me that I'm so lucky to be working from home. I agree. There are so many reasons why I love working from home, but there are also moments when I feel like I just want to throw myself back to the days when I still worry about what to wear and getting stuck in traffic.

That's why there's what we call, Work-Life Balance.
Contrary to what most people think, working from home is not as awesome. There are also things we wish we can do, and things that we envy from people who work in an office. Here are just a few of the Pros and Cons of working from home.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cover Up: My Dilemma of Breastfeeding in Public

Stuck in a semi-conservative era, folks here in the Philippines are still easily offended when seeing a mother pull her boobs out to feed her baby. Even abroad, I know there are still places where breastfeeding in public is forbidden.

To some mothers, public breastfeeding can sometimes cause embarrassment (especially here in the Philippines). Why? Well, let's start with the famous argument of "morality". If you're a breastfeeding mom who breastfeed in public without cover up, you know how easily you "attract" quick glances and sometimes stares from strangers. You know, those quick glances coupled with a smirk or [hungry] stares from maniacs waiting for you to show more flesh. Annoying, isn't it?

I have been breastfeeding my little Euri since day one. It is a very challenging task - constantly praying for her to latch well so my nipples won't hurt, waking up every 2 hours at night, pumping/milking my two melons to produce enough milk so my heavyweight champion won't go hungry.

At home, I couldn't care less if I walk around the bedroom with my boobs exposed. My nannies must be so used to seeing me hand-expressing that they just probably roll their eyes behind my back. But when we're out and about, my dilemma is always the moment when Euri cries for milk.