Friday, February 4, 2011

Single Status: The 30's Dilemma

For the past weeks, all I've been hearing are constant complains of soon-to-be-thirty women who are still single. They are questioning the Almighty for their loneliness, inquiring when this magical "Knight in shining armor" will come and rescue them from the seemingly never-ending sadness of singlehood. This leads me to ask myself, "is it really that important to meet your life partner before you reach 30?" I mean, is it that difficult to live 30 years of your life without someone to call "boyfriend or girlfriend"?

It's funny how people can be a little desperate when it comes to love when they reach 30. Some would resort to being a third party or a few would just have random affairs to men who they know wouldn't give a sh!t about them once they get pregnant. Oh yeah, add the ladies who would date the entire city's male population until she runs out of prospects. It's really sad, but hey, they're 30 and they should have their brains functioning well by now!

While a lot of single women thinks that married women are lucky, there are also a few married women who would love to trade places with single ladies... after all, it is difficult to adjust from being single to married, there are so many things to balance (aside from the monthly budget) and it's hard to try to lower your ego to give way to your partner's pride. My point is, people may say that married folks are lucky for finding their soulmates early in life, but I say single people are lucky for not having to rush. It's good to take your time and enjoy the finest things in life while you're still free to do them.

Anyway, I am thankful that I was one of the lucky people who didn't have to beg the Lord to give me the jobless idiot next door as my last option. Though I also have my own misfortunes and regrets when it comes to love, it is still comforting to know that I won't grow old alone and that there is someone whom I can share my life with. I pray that my single friends can finally have the man of their dreams... in God' time and in God's will of course.