Friday, November 12, 2010

Old School Love

My parents’ love story is like a fairytale that has been told hundreds of times after family dinners or anytime that my Mom would like to brag about her and Dad’s whirlwind romance. My sisters and I can tell you the same old story in different languages, and it would all sound the same… exaggeratedly sweet and cheesy. My version though, will not be mushy, but more straight to the point. I bet my eldest sister, Wheng’s version of the story would be more of a comedy, while Dhing’s version would be more on the romantic side.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Love Story: Answered Prayers

This story would probably be something that my [future] son would get tired of hearing… but still, I will continue to tell him this story to remind him how God works in His own lovely way.

It was a cold summer evening, and the stars are out to fill the sky with beautiful sparks of light. It was past midnight of April 2, year 1999. I was feeling tipsy, I got drunk but I was still aware of the events around me. I am not satisfied with this level of drunkenness, after all, this would be the first time in my 18 years of existence to finally get “wasted”. It was also the first time that my overprotective parents allowed me to go to an overnight swimming with my tae kwon do classmates and friends. I was eager to go back to the table where my friends are serving “beer-gin” (a mix of beer and gin), but there was this boy, (whom I’ve known for only a few months) who kept on bugging me to stay close, holding my hands and refusing to let go. Darn it, he’s boring – but cute!