Friday, November 12, 2010

Old School Love

My parents’ love story is like a fairytale that has been told hundreds of times after family dinners or anytime that my Mom would like to brag about her and Dad’s whirlwind romance. My sisters and I can tell you the same old story in different languages, and it would all sound the same… exaggeratedly sweet and cheesy. My version though, will not be mushy, but more straight to the point. I bet my eldest sister, Wheng’s version of the story would be more of a comedy, while Dhing’s version would be more on the romantic side.

The Drama…

My Mom, is a self-proclaimed Cinderella. She would sometimes shed a tear or two just by telling us how “poor” they were back in her childhood years. She’s the eldest of 6 siblings and is not really the favorite of my grandfather. When I say “not the favorite”, it doesn’t simply mean that she’s ignored or taken for granted. It’s more like, she’s the “api”… having to take care of her younger siblings and being responsible for almost anything.

My Dad, came from a prominent family. His father was a rich haciendero famous for being playboy. My Dad, though inherited his father’s charm and good looks, fortunately didn’t have the playboy trait that my grandfather was famous for. He’s the 2nd son and he has 3 siblings. Being born the 2nd son has no privilege. He’s mostly responsible for his younger brother, who shares the same fate of not being the parents’ favorite. Even in the old days, the eldest and the youngest are always the favored ones, right?

The Fun…

My Mom’s love story is long, almost endless. She has loads of side stories to tell, but it only leads to one point: She’s one heck of a pretty lady during her younger years. Sounds vain, huh? I won’t say anything more… (playing safe).

My Dad? I never heard him mention anything about his past relationships aside from his love for my Mom. I guess, he’s never that popular with girls. (Mom disagrees!) Although my Mom used to make fun of the fact that my eldest sister’s ninang/godmother (Mina, was it?) was head over heels in love with him! Haha, I can almost hear my Dad saying “tsk” while shaking his head in disbelief… he does that every time this topic comes up! Lol.

The Friendship, The Love and The Proposal

So they met while both of them are working in Social Security System (SSS) Office. My Mom said that my Dad is quite the snob and is often quiet, while she is outspoken and has lots of friends. They are from different departments but through their common friends, they became close and eventually came to like each other.

When my Dad was still alive, he mentioned that when he saw my Mom, it was love at first sight. I once told him that I think “love at first sight” is rubbish. Come on Dad, you gotta have a basis in loving someone aside from her physical appearance! Oh well, he never explained it to me, but he just shrugged his shoulders and said that on their first date, he quickly asked for her hand in marriage. Wow, talking about people in rush!

Side Story # 1 (Jeepney Ride)

My Mom adamantly rejected my Dad’s plea to drop her home. So my Dad decided to secretly follow Mom. Eager to not lose track of her, he took the same jeepney that my Mom was in, and since it was full, he had no choice but to “sabit” (or hang on at the end of the jeep) and dropped the sole of his worn out shoes. He ended up going home, barefooted.

Side Story # 2 (Visiting Rights)

It was the first time that my Mom finally allowed my Dad to visit her humble house. He has only started to feel comfy in a chair when much to my Dad’s surprise, my grandfather dusted off the mattings, rolled it, dropped the pillows and lied right there in front of him. This [mean] legacy from my grandfather is an open suggestion that it’s already late, and you should be heading towards the door… “Leave, go home!” in sign language.

Side Story # 3 (Lost)

It was, at last, their wedding day. The bridal car was extremely late… turns out, that the driver does not know where my Mom’s house was. Mom arrived at the church almost an hour late and I bet guests were all eager to go straight to the reception.

Asked how he was feeling when my Mom was running late, my Dad replied, “I am confident she would come no matter what.” Yeah right Dad, I bet you were nervous to the bones!

Family Life

They got married and soon after, they had my eldest sister Wheng, followed by my sister Dhing. And after five years, I came to join the fun. Their every weekend dates, yearly out of towns and super sweetness had been a constant reminder to me and my sisters to love each other unconditionally… they’ve set a very good example to us, to love, care and respect our spouse. My parents’ relationship had gone through a lot of trials, but never did I hear or see them fight.

All I can say is, we are very lucky and blessed to have fun and loving parents.