Wednesday, March 18, 2015

10 Tips to Prevent Bad Hair Days

A "bad hair day", according to the Urban Dictionary is "a day when everything is going bad. It has nothing to do with how one's hair really is, it's just that everything is going wrong. The term "bad hair day" derives from how psycho one feels because everything is going all wrong on a particular day!"

OR it may literally mean having your crowning glory behave like sh*t. Let's admit it, when we find our hair unmanageable, we often end up ill tempered.

Fortunately for some lucky women, they get the bouncy and shiny hair of their dreams during pregnancy... but for some unfortunate pregnant ladies (as if morning sickness, mood swings, extra pounds, countless new zits and dark underarms aren't enough to torment us), dull, sometimes frizzy and lifeless hair is the result of that sudden boost in hormones.

Prevent Bad Hair Days

Here are some tips that may help expectant mothers to tame unruly hair and prevent more bad hair days from occurring:

1. Proper Diet. Eating food with the proper vitamins and nutrients promote hair growth.
  • Vitamin A will promote healthier scalp as it regulate the oils in our scalp.
  • Vitamin B for hair growth.
  • Vitamin C will increase hair strength.
  • Vitamin E is essential to a healthy skin and scalp. It also helps protect our hair.
  • Protein for stronger hair.
  • Iron to prevent hair loss.
  • Zinc to prevent dry and itchy scalp which can cause dandruff and hair loss.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids promote faster and healthier hair growth.
2. Hydrate. Drinking plenty of water is good for the scalp. Remember that healthier scalp means beautiful hair.

3. Plenty of Sleep. A good sleep (at least 8 hours) help our body regulate melatonin and cortisol levels which affect hair growth. Not having enough sleep can cause hair loss and slower hair production.

4. Cold Wash. Hot water damages the hair shaft which leads to hair that is fragile and prone to breakage.

5. Less Washing. Most dermatologists and even stylists agree that washing everyday is unnecessary. Though some of us may need to wash more often as we have tropical weather (warm and humid = sticky, greasy hair), three or four times a week they say, should be enough for most people.

6. Brush and Comb Hair Gently. Sure, having unruly hair makes us lose our patience, but brushing and combing it harshly will only cause split ends. Brushing and combing gently stimulates the scalp and help increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which distributes the much needed nutrients to our hair. Be sure not to over-brush as it can also damage the hair.

7. Trim. Trimming our hair by half to one inch every six to eight weeks will significantly reduce split ends - which leads to longer, stronger hair.

8. Avoid Hair Blowers, Curling or Straightening Irons, etc. Heating tools are harsh on hair. If these can't be avoided, at least make sure that the heat setting is not on high.

9. Use Loose Hairstyles. Tight hairstyles like ponytails and buns can strain hair and lead to hair that is brittle and prone to breaking.

10. Avoid Permanent Hair Treatments. Hold off on purchasing that 50% off Ensogo deal for hair rebond, curling, Brazilian blow out, etc. The infamous preggy hormones can make any hair treatment unpredictable, so it's advisable to treat your hair after giving birth.

Bad Hair Day

We can prevent bad hair days, so relax. Too much stress can cause you to pull your hair off. ;-)