Saturday, May 23, 2015

UTI Panic!

My lovely and brave little Euri at JDMH
Yesterday afternoon, after a week-long stay in the hospital, we finally got home just in time to celebrate our little princess Euri's 1st month birthday. The little girl got infected by UTI (urinary tract infection) and the doctors (and my ever beloved mom and mom-in-law) are blaming no one else but me. I was taking antibiotics for my UTI two days before giving birth, so Euri's pediatrician confirmed that although it should have manifested right at birth, there are instances that UTI manifest within month after birth (term: late onset).

It was Friday last week when I noticed that Euri stopped asking for milk every 2 hours. My chubby newborn feeds 2 ounces of milk every two hours, and for some reason, she had lost appetite and slept more. There was also a less need for diaper change which bothered me since I know babies should pee a lot. Then came Sunday afternoon when I noticed that Euri's skin color is a little too red and her temperature seems high. The nanny said that the baby's temperature is normal, but I trusted my instinct and took her temperature -- 38.3C

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Benefits of Breastfeeding and Getting a Lactation Consultant

When Euan was born, I did try to breastfeed, only to fail a few weeks later because I was discouraged with my milk supply. For almost a month of pumping and trying to latch my premature little boy, the most amount of milk I got from my useless 38C breasts is a disappointing 2oz. So for four years (until now), Euan drinks formula milk - an item in our grocery list that we could have avoided if only I continued breastfeeding.

So when I got pregnant with our second child Euri, my husband made me promise to give breastfeeding a second chance. I was more than eager to give it another try as budget is extremely tight, so it is only right to avoid additional expenses such as milk. Also, aside from saving a lot of money from buying expensive formula milk, breast milk has a lot of benefits for both mother and child.
Breastfeeding Mother
Painting by Gioia Albano
Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding lowers your baby's risk of having asthma or allergies. Plus, babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, without any formula, have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea. -

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Fruit Crepe Recipe

It's been exactly ten days since I gave birth to our little angel, Euri. The sacrifices of limited sweets, carbs and weekly getaways are all worth it. To celebrate our little angel's tenth day (and the end of my gestational diabetes), I cooked my favorite peach-mango crepe!

A photo of my peach crepe from last year... (Jan. 17, 2014)

Since I'm feeling generous today (as if crepe recipes aren't in any websites yet), here is my easy crepe recipe.