Monday, March 7, 2011

Whining but Smiling

I’ve been feeling crappy more than usual but it’s not only because of the dehydration that breastfeeding causes or the sleepless nights of having a new baby… let’s blame most of my mood swings to the husband. (Long story, and adding the story here would change the title to Whining and Contemplating).

Moving on to the real topic of motherhood, I never thought it would be this difficult. Being pregnant was hard enough, the labor, the epidural and C-section were hell-ish… and now, the every 2hr wake-up call for milk-burp time, diaper change and cradle-to-sleep adds up to the torture of the hurting-yet-itchy-now-healing-stitches on my tummy.

Born to kick ass...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Single Status: The 30's Dilemma

For the past weeks, all I've been hearing are constant complains of soon-to-be-thirty women who are still single. They are questioning the Almighty for their loneliness, inquiring when this magical "Knight in shining armor" will come and rescue them from the seemingly never-ending sadness of singlehood. This leads me to ask myself, "is it really that important to meet your life partner before you reach 30?" I mean, is it that difficult to live 30 years of your life without someone to call "boyfriend or girlfriend"?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Simple Joy: To Use the Toilet

I've been on bed rest for more than a week now and only Wednesday morning, I had to be confined in Capitol Medical Center cause of pre-term labor. It was a hell of an experience to stay for almost 12 hours in the delivery room and listen to women moan/complain about their contractions, etc. The dextrose on my right hand limited my movement and made me feel more uncomfortable than the contractions in my tummy. Oh yeah, add the steroids that they injected on my left and right arm (it was needed to speed up the development of my baby's lungs, in case the baby comes out premature), it stings!